We went every day for to weeks at ALHS (it was crazy to go back to my old high school and to think I graduated 10 years ago.) Lilly just loved the water. We had a good time. I think we might do the class again. Well, we HAVE to do it again. I guess you can say Lilly didn't pass the testing (yes, they tested all the kids 6months to 24 months.) The instructor said she need to work on her bubbles and not kicking when she is doing her back floats. Are you kidding she is 19months. I thought she did GREAT.
Lilly favorite part for the class was when the kids got to jump off the side of the pool. But, she wanted everyone to jump at the same time. She would get a little worked up if it didn't work out.

umm, yeah, so that is more than Bridgete does. how sad is that? cute pics
At 19 months, I think she did great, too! It looks like you two really enjoyed your class. Just think, when you take the class again, she'll be way ahead of the game!
How fun! Wow, I had no idea how young they start swimming lessons! I'm impressed she likes to jump into the pool! How weird was it going back to ALHS and the reunion is this weekend! Crazy huh? I'm kind of sad I won't be there. I miss you!
I taught swim lessons at ALHS for about 4 years! HA, that's funny! Brooklyn and I start our lessons tomorrow! So excited! I'm glad I made you laugh! Sorry you had a long day...you seriously need to come visit and we can get some "grown up" talk in! Hang in there!
So the very 1st picture at the very top right of your blog is sooooo cute! Lilly has a perfect smile in it! Is it a new family pic? It was good to see you when I was in CA. For sure next time we'll have to plan better to get together! Hope you guys are doing well!!!
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